Paper 2
Section II
Question 2b - 2002 HSC
Explain how unresolved problems in relationships are dramatised and resolved in the play.
Paper 2
Section II
Question 2b - 2002 HSC
Explain how unresolved problems in relationships are dramatised and resolved in the play.
Paper 2
Section III
Question 2c - 2002 HSC
Explain how the process of destruction is dramatised in the play 'Macbeth' as a whole.
Paper 2
Section II
Question 3b - 2002 HSC
Explain how the author, Yolen, helps the reader accept that 'happily ever after' is possible.
Paper 2
Section II
Question 3b - 2002 HSC
Explain how the author, Yolen, helps the reader accept that 'happily ever after' is possible.
Paper 2
Section II
Question 4a - 2002 HSC
Write a radio interview discussing how the two worlds of the film are represented by film techniques.
Paper 2
Section II
Question 4b - 2001 HSC
As an actor, write a letter explaining the challenges of performing Bridie or Shiela's role in the play.
Paper 2
Section II
Question 4c - 2002 HSC
Interview the designer of the Australian War Memorial website.
Paper 2
Section II
Question 4c - 2001 HSC
Explain how dramatic techniques are used to explore Macbeth's relationship with the women in the play.
Paper 2
Section II
Question 5a - 2002 HSC
Write a class speech explaining how poetic techniques transform the ordinary into something special.
Paper 2
Section II
Question 5a - 2001 HSC
Write a class speech discussing how ideas and issues introduced in the opening are significant for the rest of the text.
Paper 2
Section II
Question 5b - 2002 HSC
Write a speech explaining how poetic techniques convey the experience of war.
Paper 2
Section II
Question 5b - 2002 HSC
Write a speech explaining how poetic techniques convey the experience of war.
Paper 2
Section II
Question 5b - 2001 HSC
Explain how the idea of the journey is presented in the novel, Briar Rose.
Paper 2
Section II
Question 6a - 2001 HSC
Identify one interesting character in the film. Explain how Weir has used film techniques to shape your response to the character.
Paper 2
Section II
Question 7b - 2001 HSC
Explain how Owen explores the horror of war through the power of poetry.