Paper 1
Section I
Question 1 - 2002 HSC
Read three texts: a magazine article; a website page; and reviews and facts about a film. Answer questions about the content; purpose; language, images and layout. Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper on the increasing
popularity of adventure activities.
Paper 1
Section I
Question 1 - 2001 HSC
Read diary extracts about a school trip to the Kimberley area of north-west Australia. Answer questions about the content, language features and language techniques. Compare the language features of two diary entries and analyse how the features present a change in perspective.
Paper 1
Section II
Question 2 - 2002 HSC
Explain the ways perspectives are shaped by the composers.
Paper 1
Section I
Question 2 - 2001 HSC
Read three texts (an advertisement, an evaluative comment and a cartoon) showing different perspectives on travel. (a) Name one perspective and explain how the language and layout shape the perspective. (b) Explain how different perspectives on travel are communicated. (c) Write a short article for your student magazine recommending one of the travel experiences.
Paper 1
Section II
Question 3 - 2001 HSC
Explain how different perspectives in one of the set texts are influenced by individuality, personal history and culture.