E2/3 Response 4
Through 'Who Am I' and 'The Real HSC' the candidate demonstrates developing insights into narrative construction and the use of intertextuality. The candidate also demonstrates some ability to formulate and communicate complex concepts about self reflexive writing and mental illness supported by independent investigation into form, but has limited investigation into concepts. Greater textual integrity would have been achieved with more research. The story is substantial, sustained and original but could be stronger in these three areas with enhanced research and more thorough and effective editing. Audience engagement would also be sustained with refinement of each story's conceptual realization and more believable and thoughtful links between the two stories. The two-part narrative is appropriate to audience, purpose, concept and medium. The quality of the Reflection Statement would have been enhanced by a less truncated form and with more consistency in the reflections about research. Nevertheless the candidate does exhibit sound ability to articulate, monitor and reflect on processes of investigation, interpretation, analysis and compensation.