Paper 2
Section I
Question 1 - 2002 HSC
Analyse the ways stories are told, referring to at least two of: uses and conventions of narrative; the ways in which elements of narration promote involvement; how narrative reveals relationships.
Paper 2
Section I
Question 2 - 2002 HSC
Analyse the use of dialogue referring to at least two of: uses and conventions of dialogue; the interpersonal nature of dialogue; how dialogue reveals relationships.
Paper 1
Section I
Question 1 - 2002 HSC
Read three texts: a magazine article; a website page; and reviews and facts about a film. Answer questions about the content; purpose; language, images and layout. Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper on the increasing
popularity of adventure activities.
Paper 1
Section II
Question 2 - 2002 HSC
Explain the ways perspectives are shaped by the composers.
Section I
Question 1-7 - 2002 HSC
Listen to a radio program and answer questions about: content; purpose; opinions expressed; reason for the interviews; a sound effect; a language feature; analysis of audience engagement.
Paper 2
Section II
Question 3 - 2002 HSC
Write a letter from the Coordinator of Youth Activities at Big Mountain Ski Resort to Excursion Coordinators in high schools. The purpose of your letter is to attract school groups to your resort.
Paper 2
Section I
Question 1 - 2002 HSC
Analyse the ways stories are told, referring to at least two of: uses and conventions of narrative; the ways in which elements of narration promote involvement; how narrative reveals relationships.
Paper 2
Section I
Question 1(c) - 2001 HSC
Explain how elements of narrative are used in three poems from Snapshots of Planet Earth.
Paper 2
Section I
Question 1(d) - 2001 HSC
Explain, with reference to specific scenes, how elements of narrative are used in Tornatore's Cinema Paradiso to promote viewer involvement.
Paper 2
Section I
Question 2 - 2002 HSC
Analyse the use of dialogue referring to at least two of: uses and conventions of dialogue; the interpersonal nature of dialogue; how dialogue reveals relationships.
Paper 2
Section I
Question 2(d) - 2001 HSC
Explain how dialogue is used to reveal relationships between characters in an extract provided, and another story from the In Between series.
Paper 1
Section I
Question 1 - 2002 HSC
Read three texts: a magazine article; a website page; and reviews and facts about a film. Answer questions about the content; purpose; language, images and layout. Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper on the increasing
popularity of adventure activities.
Paper 1
Section I
Question 1 - 2001 HSC
Read diary extracts about a school trip to the Kimberley area of north-west Australia. Answer questions about the content, language features and language techniques. Compare the language features of two diary entries and analyse how the features present a change in perspective.
Paper 1
Section II
Question 2 - 2002 HSC
Explain the ways perspectives are shaped by the composers.
Paper 1
Section I
Question 2 - 2001 HSC
Read three texts (an advertisement, an evaluative comment and a cartoon) showing different perspectives on travel. (a) Name one perspective and explain how the language and layout shape the perspective. (b) Explain how different perspectives on travel are communicated. (c) Write a short article for your student magazine recommending one of the travel experiences.
Paper 1
Section II
Question 3 - 2001 HSC
Explain how different perspectives in one of the set texts are influenced by individuality, personal history and culture.
Section I
Question 1-6 - 2001 HSC
Listen to a radio interview and answer questions about: descriptive language; tone of the conversation; content; purposes; and language techniques used to interest the audience.
Section I
Question 1-7 - 2002 HSC
Listen to a radio program and answer questions about: content; purpose; opinions expressed; reason for the interviews; a sound effect; a language feature; analysis of audience engagement.
Paper 2
Section II
Question 3 - 2002 HSC
Write a letter from the Coordinator of Youth Activities at Big Mountain Ski Resort to Excursion Coordinators in high schools. The purpose of your letter is to attract school groups to your resort.
Paper 2
Section II
Question 3 - 2001 HSC
Write the text for a speech to persuade fellow students to volunteer with you to clean up Rocky Creek Reserve. The speech will be approximately 5 minutes long and will be given at your next school assembly.
Paper 2
Section II
Question 4 - 2002 HSC
Write the text for an oral presentation to a small group of students at their Year 11 Study Day. Explain at least three useful learning strategies for study in the senior years of school.
Paper 2
Section I
Question 1 - 2002 HSC
Analyse the ways stories are told, referring to at least two of: uses and conventions of narrative; the ways in which elements of narration promote involvement; how narrative reveals relationships.
Paper 2
Section I
Question 1(a) - 2001 HSC
Tell the story of the rebellion on Manor Farm from Farmer Jones' point of view. The audience is a group of farmers at the Red Lion.
Paper 2
Section I
Question 1(c) - 2001 HSC
Explain how elements of narrative are used in three poems from Snapshots of Planet Earth.
Paper 2
Section I
Question 2 - 2002 HSC
Analyse the use of dialogue referring to at least two of: uses and conventions of dialogue; the interpersonal nature of dialogue; how dialogue reveals relationships.
Paper 2
Section I
Question 2(b) - 2001 HSC
Explain, with reference to at least two characters in the film Strictly Ballroom and two characters from another text of your choosing, how dialogue reveals the relationship between characters.
Paper 1
Section I
Question 1 - 2002 HSC
Read three texts: a magazine article; a website page; and reviews and facts about a film. Answer questions about the content; purpose; language, images and layout. Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper on the increasing
popularity of adventure activities.
Paper 1
Section I
Question 1 - 2001 HSC
Read diary extracts about a school trip to the Kimberley area of north-west Australia. Answer questions about the content, language features and language techniques. Compare the language features of two diary entries and analyse how the features present a change in perspective.
Paper 1
Section II
Question 2 - 2002 HSC
Explain the ways perspectives are shaped by the composers.
Paper 1
Section I
Question 2 - 2001 HSC
Read three texts (an advertisement, an evaluative comment and a cartoon) showing different perspectives on travel. (a) Name one perspective and explain how the language and layout shape the perspective. (b) Explain how different perspectives on travel are communicated. (c) Write a short article for your student magazine recommending one of the travel experiences.
Paper 1
Section II
Question 3 - 2001 HSC
Explain how different perspectives in one of the set texts are influenced by individuality, personal history and culture.
Section I
Question 1-6 - 2001 HSC
Listen to a radio interview and answer questions about: descriptive language; tone of the conversation; content; purposes; and language techniques used to interest the audience.
Section I
Question 1-7 - 2002 HSC
Listen to a radio program and answer questions about: content; purpose; opinions expressed; reason for the interviews; a sound effect; a language feature; analysis of audience engagement.
Paper 2
Section II
Question 3 - 2002 HSC
Write a letter from the Coordinator of Youth Activities at Big Mountain Ski Resort to Excursion Coordinators in high schools. The purpose of your letter is to attract school groups to your resort.
Paper 2
Section II
Question 3 - 2001 HSC
Write the text for a speech to persuade fellow students to volunteer with you to clean up Rocky Creek Reserve. The speech will be approximately 5 minutes long and will be given at your next school assembly.
Paper 2
Section II
Question 4 - 2002 HSC
Write the text for an oral presentation to a small group of students at their Year 11 Study Day. Explain at least three useful learning strategies for study in the senior years of school.
Paper 2
Section I
Question 1 - 2002 HSC
Analyse the ways stories are told, referring to at least two of: uses and conventions of narrative; the ways in which elements of narration promote involvement; how narrative reveals relationships.
Paper 2
Section I
Question 1(a) - 2001 HSC
Tell the story of the rebellion on Manor Farm from Farmer Jones' point of view. The audience is a group of farmers at the Red Lion.
Paper 1
Section I
Question 1 - 2002 HSC
Read three texts: a magazine article; a website page; and reviews and facts about a film. Answer questions about the content; purpose; language, images and layout. Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper on the increasing
popularity of adventure activities.
Paper 1
Section I
Question 1 - 2001 HSC
Read diary extracts about a school trip to the Kimberley area of north-west Australia. Answer questions about the content, language features and language techniques. Compare the language features of two diary entries and analyse how the features present a change in perspective.
Paper 1
Section II
Question 2 - 2002 HSC
Explain the ways perspectives are shaped by the composers.
Paper 1
Section I
Question 2 - 2001 HSC
Read three texts (an advertisement, an evaluative comment and a cartoon) showing different perspectives on travel. (a) Name one perspective and explain how the language and layout shape the perspective. (b) Explain how different perspectives on travel are communicated. (c) Write a short article for your student magazine recommending one of the travel experiences.
Paper 1
Section II
Question 3 - 2001 HSC
Explain how different perspectives in one of the set texts are influenced by individuality, personal history and culture.
Section I
Question 1-6 - 2001 HSC
Listen to a radio interview and answer questions about: descriptive language; tone of the conversation; content; purposes; and language techniques used to interest the audience.
Section I
Question 1-7 - 2002 HSC
Listen to a radio program and answer questions about: content; purpose; opinions expressed; reason for the interviews; a sound effect; a language feature; analysis of audience engagement.
Paper 2
Section II
Question 3 - 2002 HSC
Write a letter from the Coordinator of Youth Activities at Big Mountain Ski Resort to Excursion Coordinators in high schools. The purpose of your letter is to attract school groups to your resort.
Paper 2
Section II
Question 3 - 2001 HSC
Write the text for a speech to persuade fellow students to volunteer with you to clean up Rocky Creek Reserve. The speech will be approximately 5 minutes long and will be given at your next school assembly.
Paper 2
Section II
Question 4 - 2002 HSC
Write the text for an oral presentation to a small group of students at their Year 11 Study Day. Explain at least three useful learning strategies for study in the senior years of school.
Paper 2
Section I
Question 1 - 2002 HSC
Analyse the ways stories are told, referring to at least two of: uses and conventions of narrative; the ways in which elements of narration promote involvement; how narrative reveals relationships.
Paper 2
Section I
Question 1(a) - 2001 HSC
Tell the story of the rebellion on Manor Farm from Farmer Jones' point of view. The audience is a group of farmers at the Red Lion.
Paper 2
Section I
Question 1(c) - 2001 HSC
Explain how elements of narrative are used in three poems from Snapshots of Planet Earth.
Paper 2
Section I
Question 2(b) - 2001 HSC
Explain, with reference to at least two characters in the film Strictly Ballroom and two characters from another text of your choosing, how dialogue reveals the relationship between characters.
Paper 1
Section I
Question 1 - 2002 HSC
Read three texts: a magazine article; a website page; and reviews and facts about a film. Answer questions about the content; purpose; language, images and layout. Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper on the increasing
popularity of adventure activities.
Paper 1
Section I
Question 1 - 2001 HSC
Read diary extracts about a school trip to the Kimberley area of north-west Australia. Answer questions about the content, language features and language techniques. Compare the language features of two diary entries and analyse how the features present a change in perspective.
Paper 1
Section II
Question 2 - 2002 HSC
Explain the ways perspectives are shaped by the composers.
Paper 1
Section I
Question 2 - 2001 HSC
Read three texts (an advertisement, an evaluative comment and a cartoon) showing different perspectives on travel. (a) Name one perspective and explain how the language and layout shape the perspective. (b) Explain how different perspectives on travel are communicated. (c) Write a short article for your student magazine recommending one of the travel experiences.
Paper 1
Section II
Question 3 - 2001 HSC
Explain how different perspectives in one of the set texts are influenced by individuality, personal history and culture.
Section I
Question 1-6 - 2001 HSC
Listen to a radio interview and answer questions about: descriptive language; tone of the conversation; content; purposes; and language techniques used to interest the audience.
Section I
Question 1-7 - 2002 HSC
Listen to a radio program and answer questions about: content; purpose; opinions expressed; reason for the interviews; a sound effect; a language feature; analysis of audience engagement.
Paper 2
Section II
Question 3 - 2002 HSC
Write a letter from the Coordinator of Youth Activities at Big Mountain Ski Resort to Excursion Coordinators in high schools. The purpose of your letter is to attract school groups to your resort.
Paper 2
Section II
Question 3 - 2001 HSC
Write the text for a speech to persuade fellow students to volunteer with you to clean up Rocky Creek Reserve. The speech will be approximately 5 minutes long and will be given at your next school assembly.
Paper 2
Section II
Question 4 - 2002 HSC
Write the text for an oral presentation to a small group of students at their Year 11 Study Day. Explain at least three useful learning strategies for study in the senior years of school.
Paper 2
Section I
Question 1 - 2002 HSC
Analyse the ways stories are told, referring to at least two of: uses and conventions of narrative; the ways in which elements of narration promote involvement; how narrative reveals relationships.
Paper 2
Section I
Question 2(a) - 2001 HSC
Imagine you are Ahmed in Norm and Ahmed. Explain how you felt at different points during the dialogue with Norm.
Paper 2
Section I
Question 2(b) - 2001 HSC
Explain, with reference to at least two characters in the film Strictly Ballroom and two characters from another text of your choosing, how dialogue reveals the relationship between characters.
Paper 1
Section I
Question 1 - 2002 HSC
Read three texts: a magazine article; a website page; and reviews and facts about a film. Answer questions about the content; purpose; language, images and layout. Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper on the increasing
popularity of adventure activities.
Paper 1
Section I
Question 1 - 2001 HSC
Read diary extracts about a school trip to the Kimberley area of north-west Australia. Answer questions about the content, language features and language techniques. Compare the language features of two diary entries and analyse how the features present a change in perspective.
Paper 1
Section II
Question 2 - 2002 HSC
Explain the ways perspectives are shaped by the composers.
Paper 1
Section I
Question 2 - 2001 HSC
Read three texts (an advertisement, an evaluative comment and a cartoon) showing different perspectives on travel. (a) Name one perspective and explain how the language and layout shape the perspective. (b) Explain how different perspectives on travel are communicated. (c) Write a short article for your student magazine recommending one of the travel experiences.
Paper 1
Section II
Question 3 - 2001 HSC
Explain how different perspectives in one of the set texts are influenced by individuality, personal history and culture.
Section I
Question 1-6 - 2001 HSC
Listen to a radio interview and answer questions about: descriptive language; tone of the conversation; content; purposes; and language techniques used to interest the audience.
Section I
Question 1-7 - 2002 HSC
Listen to a radio program and answer questions about: content; purpose; opinions expressed; reason for the interviews; a sound effect; a language feature; analysis of audience engagement.
Paper 2
Section II
Question 3 - 2001 HSC
Write the text for a speech to persuade fellow students to volunteer with you to clean up Rocky Creek Reserve. The speech will be approximately 5 minutes long and will be given at your next school assembly.
Paper 2
Section II
Question 4 - 2002 HSC
Write the text for an oral presentation to a small group of students at their Year 11 Study Day. Explain at least three useful learning strategies for study in the senior years of school.