E1/2 Response 3
This Critical Response is a discussion of transcendence, which is grounded in a comparison of Keats's poetry and Baz Lurhmann's Moulin Rouge. The candidate demonstrates developing insights on the links between texts. The independent investigation is limited and it detracts from the integrity of the response and the complexity of the candidate's assertions. The major work is original in its subject matter but the shift to a personal, didactic voice towards the end of the response, marked by rhetorical questions and musings on life and death, also detracts from this major work. It is not, in this sense, sustained. The structure is loose and the argument lacks substance. Claims are made in the Reflection Statement about 'liberal investigation' but the nature of this investigation appears to be generalised and more about the circumstances of Keats's early death than about the poetry. Textual/critical analysis of either the poetry or the film is scant. The identified purpose, articulated in the Reflection Statement 'to explore the themes of Transcendence, Impermanence and Jouissance present in Keats's Odes... and... Moulin Range...' in relation to the statement 'Preserving The Moment; a Quest For Transcendence' is only superficially achieved.