Written Paper
Section I
Question 11 - 2002 HSC
Substance emitted in a higher level by a car engine burning fuel with insufficient air compared with an engine with a correct fuel to air ratio
Written Paper
Section I
Question 11 - 2001 HSC
Reason why chlorine is used to treat local water supplies
Written Paper
Section I
Question 12 - 2002 HSC
Most effective method for removing oxides of nitrogen produced by the combustion of coal
Written Paper
Section I
Question 12 - 2001 HSC
Purpose of the atomic absorption spectrophotometer
Written Paper
Section I
Question 13 - 2002 HSC
Major advantage of the development early in the 20th century of the Haber Process for producing ammonia
Written Paper
Section I
Question 13 - 2001 HSC
Likely reason for variation in results of a chemical analysis of a sample of fertiliser
Written Paper
Section I
Question 14 - 2002 HSC
Given a standard graph and an equation for the chemical process, select a graph correctly comparing the yield of ammonia at two different temperatures.
Written Paper
Section I
Question 14 - 2001 HSC
Most effective design for a microscopic membrane filter to purify contaminated water
Written Paper
Section I
Question 15 - 2002 HSC
Given a table of results of chemical tests for some cations and anions, select a conclusion consistent with a table of results when an unknown solution was tested.
Written Paper
Section I
Question 15 - 2001 HSC
Identification of results consistent with the presence of a cation in a solution
Written Paper
Section I
Question 22-24 - 2001 HSC
22. Justify the procedure used to prepare an ester in a school laboratory and include relevant chemical equations. 23(a) State Brönsted-Lowry's definition of a base. (b) Calculate the molar mass of a base in a household cleaning agent. 24(a) State a use of ammonia other than as a cleaning agent. (b) State the effect on the yield of the Haber Process when ammonia is liquefied. (c) Explain why it is essential to monitor temperature and pressure inside the reaction vessel when producing ammonia.
Written Paper
Section I
Question 24 - 2002 HSC
Assess the impact of atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS) on the scientific understanding of trace elements.
Written Paper
Section I
Question 25 - 2010 HSC
Describe the relationship between dissolved oxygen and biochemical oxygen demand. Explain why it is important to monitor both in natural waterways.
Written Paper
Section I
Question 25 - 2002 HSC
(a) Provide the systematic name of the CFC illustrated. (b) Identify the bonding within the ozone molecule, using a Lewis electron-dot diagram. (c) Discuss how CFCs damage the ozone layer, using relevant equations.
Written Paper
Section I
Question 25-27 - 2001 HSC
25. Explain the need for monitoring the products of a chemical reaction such as combustion. 26(a) Draw a graph using a fixed scale and data about lead concentrations. (b) Use the graph to interpret data. (c) State an hypothesis to account for variation in lead concentration observed. 27. Use a graph showing how ozone concentration changes with altitude to compare the environmental effects of the presence of ozone in the upper and lower atmosphere.
Written Paper
Section I
Question 26 - 2002 HSC
(a) Describe a test to determine whether a given sample of water is 'hard' or 'soft'. (b) Given the concentration of magnesium carbonate in a sample of hard water, calculate the mass, in mg, of magnesium carbonate in 150mL of this sample.
Written Paper
Section I
Question 27 - 2002 HSC
Describe the physical and chemical processes needed to purify and sanitise a town water supply.
Written Paper
Section I
Question 29 - 2010 HSC
(a) Assumptions made in a flowchart of the process to determine the amount of sulfate in a sample of lawn fertiliser. Explain how the assumptions affect the validity of the process. (b) Using the percentage composition of sulphate in the sample, determine the mass of the dried precipitate produced.
Written Paper
Section I
Question 31 - 2010 HSC
(a) Calculate the percentage of total dissolved solids in a filtered sample of dam water. Describe a chemical test to determine the presence of chloride ions in the sample. (b) Name an ion other than chloride that commonly pollutes waterways. Identify its source and the effect of its presence on water quality.