
Component: Module A: Comparative Study of Texts and Contexts

Question 1 Elective 1: Transformations Jane Austen, Emma and Amy Heckerling, Clueless

Paper 2 Section I Question 1 - 2002 HSC

Compare two texts to evaluate the extent to which context and values shape form and meaning.

Question 1 Elective 2: In the Wild Jane Austen, Emma and Amy Heckerling, Clueless

Paper 2 Section I Question 1 - 2002 HSC

Compare two texts to evaluate the extent to which context and values shape form and meaning.

Question 1 Elective 1: Transformations

Paper 2 Section I Question 1 - 2001 HSC

Compare and evaluate how the composer of a contemporary text has used an earlier text to say something new.

Question 2 Elective 2: In the Wild

Paper 2 Section I Question 2 - 2001 HSC

Compare how two texts set for study explore the tension between humanity and the natural world.