Written Paper
Section I
Question 2 - 2002 HSC
Discuss how the practices of architects and/or designers are shaped by material and conceptual choices.
Written Paper
Question 4 - 2002 HSC
Explain the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement that ‘Art critics and art historians create myths and generate debates.’ Give reasons for your views.
Written Paper
Section II
Question 5 - 2002 HSC
Argue a case for or against the statement that 'As the audience changes, so too does the meaning of artists' works.'
Written Paper
Section II
Question 7 - 2002 HSC
Explain how contemporary art has shaped our understanding of the different roles of artists.
Written Paper
Section II
Question 8 - 2002 HSC
Evaluate the view that art reflects the social values of a particular time and place.
Written Paper
Section II
Question 9 - 2002 HSC
Evaluate the view that art reflects the social values of a particular time and place.
Written Paper
Section II
Question 10 - 2002 HSC
Explain how a postmodern point of view challenges the idea of art as unique and precious.
Submitted Body of Work
Collection of Works - 2002 HSC
Produce an individual work or series of works with a focus on using different expressive forms.
Submitted Body of Work
Designed Objects - 2002 HSC
Produce an individual work or series of works with a focus on 3D object design. This expressive form includes wearables, jewellery, architectural design and product design.
Submitted Body of Work
Documented Forms - 2002 HSC
Submitted Body of Work
Painting - 2002 HSC
Produce an individual work or series of works with a focus on painting.
Submitted Body of Work
Photomedia - 2002 HSC
Produce an individual work or series of works in black and white and/or colour. The work(s) can be made using wet (darkroom) and/or digital practices.
Submitted Body of Work
Printmaking - 2002 HSC
Produce an individual work or series of works with a focus on printmaking.
Submitted Body of Work
Textiles and Fibre - 2002 HSC
Produce an individual work or series of works with a focus on textiles and fibre.